Eradicate Poverty with Education
A Light of Wisdom & Love

Dear Friend,
It is with great honor for me to write this letter which is shown publicly on the Internet. Taiwan Mother Hen Society is a grassroots endeavor founded by the Honorable Sayalay Karuna, and a handful of benevolent Taiwanese citizens. We are being supported as of 2022 by volunteers from Singapore, Malaysia, China, the US.
We humans have come far to a world that is now fully connected. We now know very well that what we do to the world will in fact affect our own well-being. If we do good to the world, the good will eventually come back to us, to our family, to our own communities. In Buddhism this is called Karma, in science, we can call this the Butterfly Effect, Chain Reaction.
We also know now that poverty is in fact something we can eradicate. Not through the way of giving money to the poor, but to teach them the way of earning a dignified living, standing on their own feet with integrity, through skills they learned and developed in the early stages of their lives. We have seen countries transformed from the depths of impoverishment to flourish, countries like Taiwan. One of the main reasons is because of education.
We at Taiwan Mother Hen Society believe that we can pass this knowing of how to become self-sufficient, strong, dignified, and resilient, economically, socially, and even finally, spiritually, to those who may benefit. And so we come together to build a school for those who need education the most. Education is the gateway to a successful life. By training our children the necessary skills to earn a living, they will have the ability to earn a dignified living, to find their passion and put their passion to work. They will not need us to give money out of pity, they, just like us before, will find a way to thrive.
Help us build a school where they can learn more about themselves, the skills they need, and the world beyond their horizon. In the end, the good will come back to us. They are happier and so will you. Join us. Help us build a school, a safe haven where there is no more fear, but joy in growth and soon-to-come abundance. Thank you for reading this. We hope to see you soon as a member of the Society.
Kohn Liu
Co-Founder, President
Taiwan Mother Hen Society (November 2022)
A Letter from the President