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Support Mother Hen

Ways to Make a Change

Because of you, the destiny of the poor family children could be changed forever. A blessing life with tremendous possibilities will rise after saving them from falling into the path of becoming child labors, prostitutes, or child marriage.


Monetary Support
Every single cent from your donations could make miracle happens.

Volunteering Support

Become a Mother Hen.  Become a protector of under-privileged children.  Contact us with your resume and how you can help and we will get back to you.  Thank you for your kindness.

 Here are some ways you can donate 

Bank Transfer

Overseas Donations (US Dollars Only)

Bank Name: Union Bank of Taiwan


Account Number: 042-77-0000163

Account Holder: Taiwan Mother Hen Society

Address: No.129, Floor 2-5 Songjiang Road, Zhongshan District, Taipei City 104, Taiwan ROC

Taiwan Donations (New Taiwan Dollars Only)

Bank Name: Union Bank of Taiwan (803)

Account Number: 042-10-0009022

Account Holder: Taiwan Mother Hen Society

Address: No.129, Floor 2-5 Songjiang Road, Zhongshan District, Taipei City 104, Taiwan ROC

Kindly email Bank Transfer Receipt & Mobile no. to:  We will confirm receipt of your donation.  Your donation may be tax deductible from your country.  We thank you for your generosity and kindness.

Taiwan Mother Hen Society is a legal entity established with accordance by the Government of Taiwan.

Established by the Authority of the Interior Department of Taiwan #1110013073

Bank Transfer

Overseas Donations (US Dollars Only)

Bank Name: Union Bank of Taiwan


Account Number: 042-77-0000163

Account Holder: Taiwan Mother Hen Society

Address: No.129, Floor 2-5 Songjiang Road, Zhongshan District, Taipei City 104, Taiwan ROC

Taiwan Donations (New Taiwan Dollars Only)

Bank Name: Union Bank of Taiwan (803)

Account Number: 042-10-0009022

Account Holder: Taiwan Mother Hen Society

Address: No.129, Floor 2-5 Songjiang Road, Zhongshan District, Taipei City 104, Taiwan ROC

Kindly email Bank Transfer Receipt & Mobile no. to:  We will confirm receipt of your donation.  Your donation may be tax deductible from your country.  We thank you for your generosity and kindness.

Taiwan Mother Hen Society is a legal entity established with accordance by the Government of Taiwan.

Established by the Authority of the Interior Department of Taiwan #1110013073

Donation & Volunteering Frequently Asked Questions

Q1: How do I donate to Taiwan Mother Hen?

Taiwan Mother Hen Society accepts donations through wire transfer, postal transfers, ATM transfers, and other donation methods.  Our bank account information is divided into overseas US dollar donations and Taiwan domestic Taiwan dollar donations

Q2: When can I get the receipt after donating?

Thank you for your donation. After completing your donation, please email the remittance receipt, name, address, and phone number to: so we can complete the registration of your Society membership.  A physical copy of receipt will be sent out within Taiwan only.  For overseas donations, a PDF Receipt will be sent.  Your Donation Receipt will be sent within 7-14 days after the donation.  If you have questions, please email us to

Q3: How do I reissue my lost receipt?

Please email us at or call us at (02)2609-1885 (Taiwan), we will reissue it for you as soon as possible.  Please note, a physical copy of the Donation Receipt is mailed within Taiwan only.  For donations originated from outside of Taiwan, a PDF Receipt will be sent.

Q4: How can I correct the wrong information on my receipt?

Please email us at or call us at (02)2609-1885 (Taiwan), and we will correct it for you.

Q5: Can my donation receipt be tax deductible?

Donation Receipt can be used as a deduction for your tax declaration within Taiwan.  For countries outside of Taiwan, please consult the respective tax codes accordingly.

Q6: Can I donate household items, clothing, or other supplies? How can I donate to the Society?

Thank you for your kindness. Please contact us before donating supplies.  Please email us at or call us at (02)2609-1885 (Taiwan). After we confirm that the items you wish to donate can be fully used, we will arrange for a designated volunteer to contact you.

Q7: How to become a Mother Hen volunteer?

Please send your resume and information about how you can help poor children to and we will arrange a designated volunteer to contact you after our review. Thank you for your consideration.

Q8: I have other questions, how can I get more information?

Please email us at or call us at (02)2609-1885. Thank you.

One-Time Online Credit Card Donation
Service provided by Union Bank of Taiwan

All transactions are secure and encrypted.

Payment system powered by Union Bank of Taiwan, please choose donation amount or enter your own amount.  You will enter your Credit Card information at Union Bank of Taiwan's secured transaction page.  






Reoccurring Credit Card Monthly Donations

Available in Taiwan only

Download and print out the above linked Reoccurring Credit Card Month Donation Form (in Chinese).  Fill out and complete the form with your payment information, sign, and mail it to Taiwan Mother Hen Society.  You may email to us at to confirm receipt of your Authorization Form.

We will charge your card at the beginning of every month for the amount you specific for donation use until you send us a notification to cancel the charge.  To cancel your monthly donation, please email to

All credit card processing done by Union Bank of Taiwan.
We thank you for your generosity and compassion.

Amount (NTD)


You have donated NTD {amount}, thank you.

Thank you for your compassion. When you take the first step, things will naturally begin. In the end, you will witness the result of our efforts together.

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